Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016

Sites in Indonesia, especially Lampung

Beach of Shark Teeth

Are you curious? Then you must visit to Beach of Shark Teeth

This beach has incredible beauty, from the name alone we can recognize its uniqueness, On the beach there are a lot of rock towering sky like cliff resembles a shark`s teeth are pointy and sharp.
Upss... This certainly is not a barrier for you are an adventurous spirit and a thirst for experience but the calm is precisely this beach beauty presents a very amazing and different from other beaches.

WANT TO FEEL IT? Let`s come to Lampung, Indonesia

You will feel the pulse of nature such as waves, sunlight passing through the cliffs at sunset or sunrise, the wind blowing the hair and refreshing body and natural beauty feast for the eyes.

Beach of Shark Teeth located in the district Klumbayan, Tanggamus, Lampung, Indonesia.

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